Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is the last of the line drawings that I made. I started it on the 3rd floor of the house by dropping the ink onto the paper and assigned different pencil weights to correspond to the different values of hue, ie black = darkest pencil weight (I think it was an H), and yellow = lightest pencil weight (either a 5H or a 6H), and all the other tones in between.
I was only able to start just a little bit of the drawings at home and had to finish the majority of the drawing in Salzburg on the artists exchange I was on in 2009.
It was a complicated drawing. I used a loop while drawing and it was also the first time that I used another sheet of paper to extend the rings. I thought that the edges would be more concrete if I drew beyond the edge of the paper and didn't include those lines into the drawing (that became another drawing).
My idea for the different weight of line was to think about the different generative powers of the different values of colored ink drops. In a strange way I was thinking about Brueghel's print Big Fish Eat Little Fish, and the consumptive nature of things.
I never showed the drawing in the US, but did have it up at my open studio is Salzburg. Sadly only a handful saw it there. I ended up trading it to Reuben for two of his pieces.

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